Awareness,Reset and Empowerment
Off Track?
You could have mental, emotional, physical complaints.
Most problems originate in the etheric body, to eventually set off in the mind or physical body
A simple analysis of the aura, will indicate the most helpfull actions to take.
Simple or thourough removal/cleansing/release of intrusive energies in the aura.
Working together with the client, towards a clean as possible vibration.
Feeling lighter, releasing bagage.
With many tools to our disposal, to find your path or get back on track.
A personal approach, every step of the way.
Guidance or coaching after energetic work, to empower you.
Step by step we see what is the best way for you to proceed.
With your welbeing in mind, going forward.
"I highly recommend Janine, if you feel as low as I did, as defeated and exhausted, I hopelessly went to her thinking I had no solution, my world is now so open and I have never felt this grounded."
~Coralie Norman - England~

A brief explanation.
and interfere with the functioning of the aura.
Let me introduce myself

What do people say about my work?

Who is this for?
How do I work with you.