Awareness,Reset and Empowerment

Off Track?

You could have mental, emotional, physical complaints.
Most problems originate in the etheric body, to eventually set off in the mind or physical body
A simple analysis of the aura, will indicate the most helpfull actions to take.


Simple or thourough removal/cleansing/release of intrusive energies in the aura.
Working together with the client, towards a clean as possible vibration.
Feeling lighter, releasing bagage.
With many tools to our disposal, to find your path or get back on track.


A personal approach, every step of the way.
Guidance or coaching after energetic work, to empower you.

Step by step we see what is the best way for you to proceed.
With your welbeing in mind, going forward.

"I highly recommend Janine, if you feel as low as I did, as defeated and exhausted, I hopelessly went to her thinking I had no solution, my world is now so open and I have never felt this grounded."

~Coralie Norman - England~

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A brief explanation.

We are all very familiar with our immune system, and when our immune system is fragile, we are more likely to become ill. Most of us are not so familiar with the etheric immune system that we call aura, light body or etheric field. The aura is meant to be a very protective and exclusive space to you, that is enveloping your physical body. 
When the health of the aura is compromised, all kinds of energies can enter your space.
It is also the space where illnesses show themselves first. Sometimes these energies are benine, sometimes dark and not beneficial to the owner of the aura, but in every case they don’t belong there.

 and interfere with the functioning of the aura. 

To regain your radiant strong and clear aura, we are cleaning out the intrusive energies.
My goal is for you to regain balance, to empower you,and be able to pursue your health goals, and life path.

Let me introduce myself

Drawing, sewing, al the skills that I was particularly interested in in my life,  are coming together in this healing modality, that release people from certain energies that create blockages and diseases in their lifes.
I could not have developed this, without my enormous interest for detail and how things are constructed, during my studies as an artist and after.
Being able to visualise matter in detail is of the utmost importance in my healing method.
After drawing and painting, also sewing was important to polish these skills, growing plants and dying fabrics with them tought me even more magic……of how nature functions.

Studying actions and concequences, in multiple layers of reality.
In the more recent years, I enjoyed a series of studies about the mind, and during these hypnosis studies and other related subjects
I felt a very strong interest in helping people from all kinds of backgrounds and beliefs. 
Also I felt that I could help people fast…..but I did not yet know how.
During the trainings for hypnotherapy, I noticed some people can try all kinds of  therapies or treatments, but noting changes.
Being interested in Neuroscience and Esotheric law, remote seeing/viewing etc. have helped me coming closer and closer to develop even more my high sensitivity, and being sure of my gut instinct , my intuition.
I’ve always tranced easy, and that is now how I help people, to empower themselves.
 Combining all the things that I’m passionate about.

What do people say about my work?

"I reached out to Janine, our paths crossed when studying hypnotherapy, with a lifetime of chronic depression, relationship problems, lack of confidence, a poor memory and generally unhappy, she has changed my life. I am now excited with my professional work and can think clearly, have oodles of energy and confidence and experience moments of joy. I am in the process of reducing my anti- depressants as a result and feel I want to live- after so many years of nihilistic thoughts, fear of others and feelings of isolation. I now enjoy the company of others and feel part of the human race! Janine has opened my life with her well developed skills and I look forward to my future."
J Norman
United Kingdom

Who is this for?

Most people could do with a little spring cleaning of their aura.
People who have the feeling they tried everything else, but nothing seems to work.
People who are chronically ill, suffer from deep depression, self loathing, eating disorders, or any other illness.
People who feel like they have lost direction in their life, are stuck and strings of difficult events keep happening.
Bad luck or having ominus thoughts or feelings etc.
Feel like their friends and family or the world is out to get them.
People that worry about their child or loved one being violent, abusive or having very anti social behaviour.
People of al kinds of walks of life, spiritual and non spiritual, religeous and non religeous.
It could be a last resort……as most people forget to look what is going on in t

How do I work with you.

These days life is going very fast, and people have little time,  my method is ideal for people who have a full schedule… You don’t have to find time in your busy schedule to have a conversation with me, no talk therapy involved, you don’t have to travel to come and see me in France, and you don’t have to lie down on my cold treatment table…… you don’t even have to adapt to the moment that I proceed my treatment, altough in certain situations we will. You can experience this in the comfort of your own home, or work. I would say, it is very adapted to modern day lifestyle, this remote aura cleansing and healing.
When you have asked your questions and decide to have a diagnosis, I would need is a brief overview of your problem areas, preferably in email,or msg
 …. a recent photograph (online)of you without sunglasses  
I want to impress that this is by no means a diagnosis of your physical body, and you should never neglegt going to a Generalist or Specialist when needed, I will never advise you to go off medication, always discuss these things with your Generalist. I work stricktly in the auric field….. I cannot guarantee the effects it has on your physical body, but I do know that the results are very positive overall…..and can be quite fast. Once the diagnosis is made , I’ll send an email with the amount of sessions you need, and the price. 
When you have agreed to go ahead with the sessions I will estimate when I will start the first session, depending also on the seriousness of the intrusive energies, and my availability. After every session I will send you a brief update of what is done, my observations, and some advice and guidance if needed. 
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